So I found out about this thanks to Okchief420 on YouTube. I'll actually add the video below of his rant about this nonsense by Walmart. Anyways it appears that Walmart has jumped on the band wagon of price gouging the NES Classic. MSRP of the recently launched NES Classic is $59.99 and per his video there is a 3rd party Murloc Express selling the NES Classic through Walmart for $499.99.
I wanted to see how legit this was this morning and pulled it up and the picture above is what I found. I guess there was a price drop over night! Lucky Day right? Only $389.99 now! I'm in the same camp as Okchief420 this is just ridiculous and can't believe Walmart would be promoting something like this on their site. From what he says in his video Walmart is expected to get more NES Classics between the 14th and 22nd of the month which makes me wonder if they are going to stick with that price or not.
Okchief420's video:
So what do you guys think? Does this piss you off as it does me? Let us know in the comments!