Nathan Fillion is no stranger to the superhero universe. Fillion has voiced Green Lantern in multiple DC Comics animated features, and he played a monstrous inmate in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
While appearing at Wizard World Comic Con Chicago, Fillion was asked who he would play if he could have his pick of any character from the Marvel or DC universe.
“I think I could take a pretty good crack at Booster Gold,” said Fillion. “That’s kind of my niche… show-offy, vain. I think I could handle that… not too bright.”
However, if Booster Gold doesn’t work out, Fillion also offered up a couple of alternatives.
“I think Ambush Bug. Remember that guy? Little bit off his rocker. You’d never see my face,” added Filion. “But I think Greatest American Hero is due for a reboot.”