Almost Heroes


Explorers Bartholomew Hunt and Leslie Edwards are setting forth against nature across the country on a journey to the Pacific Ocean against rivals Lewis and Clark. Along the way they have many mishaps and misfortunes. - IMDB

Tonight I was feeling a little nostalgic and turned on one of my favorite if not my favorite Chris Farley movie ever, Almost Heroes. Don't get me wrong Tommy Boy, Black Sheep and Beverly Hills Ninja were great but there was something about this movie, his last movie that I loved the most. 

When I was younger and yes some still today the Wild West fascinates me. The intro music seems to set this fascination almost instantly and instantly drew me in the first time I watched it. I can honestly say I've seen this movie 40 plus times even though not many people have heard of it.  

The characters are all great with 2 lead characters Bartholomew Hunt played by Chris Farley and Leslie Edwards played by Matthew Perry. Hunt is an expert tracker and all around know it all when it comes to the wilderness while Edwards on the other hand uses his mind to battle the wilderness. Everyone has heard of Lewis & Clark but not has heard of the other duo that set forth to map the Wild West, Hunt & Edwards. That's how this movie starts and you follow them and their rag tag team as they push up the Missouri, interact with Native Americans and come face to face with their rivals Lewis & Clark. 



The movie is a lot of fun and with the edition of Guy their translator who is played by Eugene Levy there is no shortage of comedy. If you get a chance to watch this give it a go. I know it has been on and off of Netflix a few times so be on the lookout. 


What was your favorite Chris Farley movie? Have you seen Almost Heroes? 


Posted by: Joe