I will be doing mobile game reviews every week now. They will be quick and not super in-depth just enough for you to know if you should spend your time or money on it.
I have been looking for a good MOBA "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" on mobile I have tried a few so far and Vainglory is by far my favorite.
- Your screen view stays stuck on your hero which I like for a mobile device because it is really hard to keep the camera on your hero and be able to move it everywhere.
- The heroes are pretty diverse already and fun to play.
- The leveling tree is quick and easy to understand.
- You do not have to pay for anything if you don't want to. But if you have a new or fav hero you want to all ways play you can easily drop at max 10$ and pick it up to always play with.
- The starting map only has one lain and after allot of games can get a little stale
- In the middle of the map there is a kraken that appears half way through the match. If you fight this kraken and win it starts fighting for you and destroying the enemies turrets. Allot of games come down to unleashing the kraken and who ever does this wins. (I have come back several times from games where the kraken was unleashed on my team but it is very difficult.)
- There are not in game streaming capabilities yet.
Over all I really like this game and def think it is worth your time and money if you decide to spend any money on it. Check out there web site vainglorygame.com and download it in the app store here.