We just got of the premiere, so here's our review of the movie Chappie by Neill Blomkamp! In the near future, a mechanized police force patrols the streets and deals with lawbreakers -- but now, the people are fighting back. When one police droid is stolen and given new programming, he acquires the ability to feel and think for himself.
Here's our list of retro games we want HD remasters of. What did we leave out? Let us know in the comments! ► New viewer? Subscribe! http://goo.gl/1jn6Ab ► Follow us on Twitter! The SaveState - http://www.twitter.com/The_SaveState Landon - http://www.twitter.com/LandonBarton Garrick - http://www.twitter.com/Garrick_Enright Derek - http://www.twitter.com/TheDerekOwen Seth - http://www.twitter.com/DJSethDuncan ► Follow us on Facebook!
Top 7 Retro Games We Want HD Remasters Of!
Spiderman Comes Home to Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Bethesda is holding an E3 press conference for the first time ever. We can only assume Fallout 4 will be announced and shown off! What do you think? Also - Bethesda sued a small indie developer for using the name "Fallout". Do you think they are a big bully?