The Four Horsemen: Falcus

The Four Horsemen have created some of the best figures out there. These guys are amazing artist and sculpters. Their long awaited kick starter campaign for the Gothitropolis 6” fully-articulated birds has finally made it to collectors shelves across the globe. I did not particpate in the kickstarter campaign but I luckily was able to get a couple off their website


The image above is of Falcus, and he is amazing. You may not even know that you have been collecting figures made by these guys. They were instrumental in the much loved DC universe Classics and also Masters of the Universe Classics line of action figures. But anyway back to “Falcus”. The articulation is great, but I most admire the flawless paint and sculpt. They do have some issues with their joints. I highly suggest running them under hot water for a minute or two before trying to move them around. They might break if you don’t. It always amazes me how these things get made, to be mass produced I just dont know how they paint these things. Maybe you guys know? Someone just sittng there for hours a day and their job is just to paint the eyes? Sounds monotonous, but I say thank you! Love my little birds. Now you guys go get yours if you have not already. I wish I could afford them all. They are escalating in price on ebay so I suggest going to the four horsemen's store to purchase. Anyway thanks for reading, and have fun collecting.

Comment below and let me know if there are any figures you want me to review next!


The Joker Arkham Origins by Play Arts Kai

The Joker Arkham Origins Play Arts Kai Figure was released this month. Square Enix made this figure that takes inspiration from the Arkham Origins game of 2013.


This Joker figure stands at 11 inches tall and is really well proportioned. If you have prior experience with Play Arts Kai figures, you know how well they are made. The Joker figure looks incredible in the packaging and it only gets better once removed from the package, assuming, of course, that you intend to open the figure and display it. By "display," I really mean occasionally taking humorous pictures of them like I do with my figures. If you prefer to leave the figure in the box, it comes with a flap that opens up so you are still able to display the figure.

All Play Arts figures come with a stand, though in the case of the Joker figure it is unnecessary. However, the stand does come in handy when leaving the figure out for display if you are worried about it falling over when left on it's own. I honestly didn't have any issues at all displaying the figure without the stand, and even though I didn't use it, it's a quality stand made of a clear plastic that holds the figure perfectly.  


The figure comes with two additional hands, a head, a gun and a knife. On the Joker figure is the standard smiling Joker face and included in the package is a more stern, sinister looking face. Both look great when added to the figure. The paint job and sculpt is impeccably done on this figure, though I do have a complaint and it's incredibly minor: the smiling Joker face ha a little red paint on the jaw. Honestly, this could just be my specific figure or it could be done by design. To me, it looks a bit off, but it doesn't take anything away from the figure. The head has excellent movement as well and you can swivel from side to side and look down without any issues.


The hands come with a set of closed fists and two different sets one which is used for carrying weapons. The weapons are easy to place in the hands and don't fall off easily, which is one of the main things that I lover about this figure. When I slide the knife into The Joker's hand, I know it is going to stay (which helps when taking hilarious pictures). With other figures, it can be a challenge to keep weapons or other additions in a figure's hands, but this is absolutely not the case with this one. The knife and the gun look great and are incredibly well made. The gun looks little large compared to the rest of the figure, though this is The Joker and he's known for being over the top.


The hands and the head are easy to swap out. It can be kind of intimidating to remove the additional pieces for fear of breaking something, but I find that the figure is built so sturdily that it withstands swapping out of the parts easily. There are joints on the back of the coat that can be arrangeed so that the coat appears to be flapping in the wind, which I really think improves the displaying (and photo taking) possibilities.


Overall, I think this figure is great. Especially for the price. It'll run you around $100 which is steep, but if you ccompare it to the Hot Toys line which run well over $200, it's a good buy. For fans of The Joker and Batman this figure will make an exccellent addition to your collection.


Posted by: Jeff @jeff201