Anime STL Cosplay Part 2

Anime STL was a blast check out all the awesome cosplays we saw on Saturday and Sunday.

If you missed part 1 of Anime STL make sure to check it out here.

Ghost Town: A Mystery // Kickstarter

Our own Living The Nerd Life content creator, Jesse Kwe (@ShoPow11), is starting his new career as a comic book artist and his first big project is a graphic novel entitled "Ghost Town"! It will be a series of 3 books with the first one, subtitled "A Mystery", being comprised of 4 issues. This will be Jesse's big break into the comic book industry so please check out the Kickstarter page and if you like what you see, pick a reward level to pledge, and support Jesse's dream by sharing it with anyone else who you think might be interested in seeing this comic get made. Thank you!

Back this project now on KickStarter!

About this project:

Ghost Town: A Mystery is the first book in the Ghost Town series. It follows Arthur the Auditor and his mission to Treble City to "Investigate recent disturbances from unknown assailants."

The Story: 

America is not who she once was...

When the debt became too much and the will to fight was too little, they took her from us. They, The Lollipop Corporation, with their promises of freedom from our troubles bought her out from under us. We wasted her and they took her away.

Now we are only Share Holders, owning a fraction of the company that owns all of it; our land, our resources, and our futures. 

So just like our brother Arthur Saulos, the Last Man Born in America, we gave up trying a long time ago.

Arthur took his job as Auditor, gave up his birth hands for metal ones, and put on the suit and tie for Lollipop.

Now he works the job.  He does the missions that are provided to him by a faceless machine, written in a code he didn't bother to learn. That's okay, he'll let The Librarian translate it for him. He's the only kind face in this company anyway.

The next mission that The Librarian hands him is Treble City, a Lollipop holding on the east coast. "Recent disturbances by an unknown assailant," is all Arthur has to go on, but he's used to that. It's been a long time since he's been to Treble City and he'll soon learn that things have most certainly changed in "The City That Never Sleeps."

Because, just like his mission, things in Treble City are not as they seem...

...but what ever really is... Ghost Town...

Back this project now on KickStarter!

A Glimpse at the panels:

Anime STL Part 1

Anime STL was absolutely amazing! We had a great weekend hanging out with everyone. Now its time to check out all the super awesome cosplays we saw the first night. Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below and remember to check back tomorrow for part 2 and a video after all the images are up!

If you missed Part 2 of Anime STL make sure to check it out here.