Walker Wednesday

Episode 5:13 "Forget" 


House party anyone? 


*by continuing to read on you willingly know you may read something that might spoil your Walking Day episode 513 eperience if you have not watched it yet*

This episode found out group in a peculiar situation, one that may be more uncomfortable then surround by a group of walkers. This episodes central theme was a house party that Deanna was throwing for the group. The people of Alexandria have had the luxury of not really experiencing what is going on beyond the saftey the walls of Alexandria provide. This is evident by the party that is being thrown for our group. 


Our group struggles with the idea of attending a party, when just a few days prior they were held up in a barn pushing back a door keeping walkers away during a tornado. Now drinks, snacks and lively conversation with the neighbor folk? Sasha seems to be the only one holding on to life outside and is struggling more than Daryl to accept Alexandria and Sasha lets that be known during her Party Pooper meltdown. Speaking of Sasha and Daryl we may have a potential job for Sasha which is being on look out duty and Daryl was officially asked to be a recruiter with Aaron. Also, can you say Bro-mance? You'll see what I mean, spaghetti and a motorcycle? Watch out ladies Aaron is laying it on thick.

Carol officially became more awesome this episode during her talk with a young kid who followed her into the gun supply. Ill save this for you to see because it was the best part of the episode and writing about it does no justice. Let's just say I'd take the cookies.  

It's also official that Rick wants to get down on some Jesse. He proves it with one of the most awkward cheek kisses in probably TV history. Plus he almost gunned down #porchdick on the streets of Alexandria. If you don't know who that is you need to watch Talking Dead because #porchdick was trending.  

So what did you guys think? How about that snazy party?  Anybody else tired of Sasha? Do you like Daryl's new job? Let me know what you think and comment below now!



Posted by: Joe @thee.social.nerd

Walker Wednesday

The Distance


So what did you all think of Episode 511: The Distance?

Overall I felt it was just ok. 

The group struggles with Aaron's proposition to join him and his people. Rick I feel does a lot of overthinking in this episode that puts the group at risk almost costing them his, Michonne, Glenn and Aarons lives. 

Putting myself in his shoes I completely understand his decision and Carol even lets him know this at the end of the episode by saying, "Even though you were wrong, you were right." Everybody knows that all of his overthinking was to protect his family and I don't mean just Carl and Judith, but everyone in the group. 

One of the biggest question marks or eyebrows being raised from the episode that was left unanswered was where is the picture of you people? Aaron comes up with a shakey at best story that the film developed but came out bad which lead to the 3 questions. How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?  

How about Glenn's driving through the walker highway from hell? This scene was pretty crazy and again one that could have been avoided. During the panic to get back to the group following a signal flare Aaron steps up with Glenn to help save both Rick and Michonne. From there they find the group and another new cast member, Eric. The episode ends with the group staring down the gate to Alexandria

What do you think of Aaron and Eric? Is this Alexandria really safe? Can the group trust these people? 

Find out more of our thoughts from this episode with a more in depth review/discussion on our podcast at the footer of the page. 


Posted by: Joe @thee.social.nerd

Walker Wednesday

We are just a few short days away from the return of The Walking Dead and couldn't be more excited. This leaves me with with a few questions not really about the show but about you, our awesome readers! 

How do you watch The Walking Dead? ​

- Are you someone that records it then watches it to fast forward through the commercials?​

- Do you watch it by yourself with no distractions?​

- Do you have viewing parties?​

For myself both my wifes family and my family love The Walking Dead so our Sunday nights​ consist of a family potluck and of course The Walking Dead! We do a lot of predicting and speculating as to what might happen in future episodes. 

So in the comments let us know "How you watch The Walking Dead?"​




Posted by: Joe @thee.social.nerd

Walker Wednesday

When you're constantly fighting for your life battling zombies in the zombie apocalypse, "beauty" and "art" are definitely the furthest things from your mind. 

But The Walking Dead is ditching its usual blood, sweat and gore (seriously, how bad must each character smell by now?!) in the latest teaser trailer for AMC's hit series in favor for a beautiful, artsy video that we just can't get enough of.

"Surviving," Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) says ominously at the start of the video. "Surviving together is all that matters."

The minute long video then finds the Grimes gang in full battle mode, making their way through a foggy woods, slicing, slashing and shooting at zombies off screen.

The gang's all here, from Rick to Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) to Michonne (Danai Gurira) to Glenn (Steven Yeun) to Carol (Melissa McBride) and more, and each of them get a really cool slow-mo close-up, putting their rage at the undead on full display. It's eerie, it's powerful, and seriously...it's freakin' beautiful

We've never been able to describe anything on The Walking Dead as beautiful before, and it's throwing us off guard! 

"It's all that matters," Rick says again at the end of the trailer. 

So what does this teaser trailer mean for the Grimes gang? Are they going to lose even more people when the show returns? 

Watch the video above now, and find out when The Walking Dead returns Sunday, Feb. 8 at 9 p.m. on AMC.

-Source: EOnline.com​


There are a couple of things that stood out to me in this teaser trailer. First, Ricks terribly fake looking beard! Second, where is Carl?  Third, who exactly are they shooting at?

All I know is that this was a great trailer and EOnline nailed its description as to how it was both beatiful and artsy! How do you make a Zombie Apocolypse trailer both beautiful and artsy you may ask? Set the scene with a bit of fog then have your main characters, that everyone has grown attached to for the past 4 plus seasons, walk through it. Not just walk but lets have them shoot at the fog. Now while they are walking and shooting at air put it in slow-mo. From there play some classy music and have Rick say "Surviving, surviving together is all that matters." Cut & Print! 

We are now less than a month away from the mid season premiere and growing more impatient by the day. It can't get here soon enough!

What did you guys think of the teaser? 


Posted by: Joe @thee.social.nerd