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Norman Reedus Says The Walking Dead Season 6 Is Particularly Complicated
Just when you thought things might get a little simpler on The Walking Dead... Wait... You probably never had that thought. And if you did, you were wrong.
The upcoming sixth season of AMC's hit series based on the Image comics series written and created by Robert Kirkman will apparently be, "particularly complicated," according to Norman Reedus who plays fan-favorite character, Daryl Dixon.
"There’s lots of action and lots of drama and lots of sadness like we always bring, but this season’s particularly complicated," Reedus told Nerdist. "The storylines are really interwoven with future and past. Certain things happen, and you’re kind of like, 'Wow, that just happened.' Then you’ll find out episodes later why that happened and what that meant. [Executive producer] Scott [Gimple]’s so good at planning for the future and taking little things and making them mean big things later. And you go, 'Oh, that’s what that means…' A real mature sort of storytelling has really taken us over right now. It’s super interesting and super thrilling."
So, The Walking Dead: Days of Future Past is certainly upon us in October. Showrunner Scott Gimple recently opened up about how the first half of season six will thicken the backstory with storytelling which could almost be considered a prequel. Pairing Gimple's words with Reedus' claim about the story becoming complicated sounds like a head scratching run of episodes is approaching.
As for what the first half of season six will explore in terms of backstory, it's likely Alexandria's roots, the Wolves, and perhaps the infamous Saviors from the comics. Not to mention, we have no idea what Morgan's journey has been like, not only on his march up the east coast but morally, which made him value all life.
We'll know more about The Walking Dead and it's sixth season this Friday after The Walking Dead takes over San Diego Comic Con's 6,500 seat Hall H. For more on that, stay tuned to!