Here are are my thoughts after seeing this trailer.
"Hmm they're making another one?" And "I'm over it, wait... Is that Ruby Rose? Ok I guess I'll watch it!"
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Here are are my thoughts after seeing this trailer.
"Hmm they're making another one?" And "I'm over it, wait... Is that Ruby Rose? Ok I guess I'll watch it!"
Are you all over this series as much as I am? Let me know!
A topic that is widely discussed, but never has come to a conclusion, is who is scarier: a fast zombie, or a slow zombie? I’m not sure if this article will be biased, or debunk the struggle or what! But, what I do know is this……. The answer is slow zombies. Case in point, I’m more scared of the idea that is, no matter how fast I run, or how strong I am, that they could still over power me. Watch these movies below, you will see my point:
*Dawn Of The Dead (the original).
*Night of the Living Dead (any of them).
*The Walking Dead (TV show, still proves the point).
*Shaun Of The Dead.
*Resident Evil (the first one).
*Cockneys Vs. Zombies.
*Grindhouse Presents Planet Terror.
Now I’m fully aware of how many people are probably shaking their heads at this. So let’s look at the movies that have fast “zombies”. Yes, getting chased down by someone who wants to rip your face off SEEMS scary. However, I find it to be much less realistic. If I think of a virus that brings the dead back to life, I’d figure it’s only bringing back simple motor functions (like a newborn baby, learning to walk) and just has the urge to feed (in this case, on your pasty white ass). But I don’t think fast zombies are realistic, or have the sense of “anger” behind them. For instance, this listing of movies, portrays what are considered zombies, but are not realistic in my eyes, because of how they move:
*World War Z.
*Dawn of the Dead (remake).
*28 Days/Weeks Later.
*Warm Bodies.
Side note – the zombies in the movie above are slow when no humans are around. But when a human shows up, they start to run.
Please do not get me wrong in thinking I’m prone to picking slow zombies as being the winner because of my views. To try and take a non-biased opinion, I look at the facts from both sides, and try to make an honest assumption of what could be scarier. Also, one key factor that most misrepresent between the fast zombies and slow is kind of a major factor. If the dead return to life, they are decaying, muscles are weak, missing body parts, etc. Can you run fast with those factors hindering you? George Romero, a personal favorite, has directed most of my favorite Zombie movies. He takes the dead aspect, and truly brings to life something that is scary, horrifying, suspenseful, but realistic (if the zombie apocalypse happened).
While I speak of realism, I want it to be mentioned that I speak of which is more realistic, to make the point that if something is more realistic, it’s scarier. I am more than willing to have friendly debates if you are up for the challenge! Please follow me on Instagram at @lorneondrums. I hope this has provided some insight for you, and if you care to debate, I hope you bring you A-Game!!!
Your friendly Funko Collector and Zombie Movie Fanatic,
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