Savior #1 Review



New this week in comics is “Savior,” brought to us by Todd McFarlane and Brian Holguin from Image comics.  This is a story of a strange man appearing from the wreckage of a plane crash in the corn fields of Kansas.  The story begins with a reporter waiting outside as the man referred to as “Samaritan” is escorted to the police station.  The crowd is a mix of divided people: half of the people hating on him and half begging him for help.  Then there is the sound of a gun and blood is splattered across the reporter's face.

The rest of the comic takes place six months earlier in Damascus, Kansas.  A reporter by the name of Cassandra Hale, who is originally from the town of Damascus, is giving a speech at the local high school.  She is delivering a speech on our tendency to believe in what we want to believe in, and this sentiment is a reoccurring theme throughout the comic.  Another central part of the story is that the media portrays the sides of each story that it wants to portray.  The general belief here is that the Internet was supposed to be our savior when in fact it may actually be our downfall.  The dialogue here is kind of preachy, but it's short enough to not push it too far.  Any further and it might have become a major turnoff.  


 The comic then centers around a teenage boy making a drug deal and staying home after being invited to a concert.  Later, there are scenes of Cassandra and her friends at a diner and making their way to the airport.  Here we are treated to a scene that delves further into the theme of people believing what they want to with a short discussion on religion and the role of questioning.  For some readers, this section might be too much, while for others it might not be enough.  Personally, I think it was done well enough to establish the Cassandra character and her belief structure without being overly preachy or sanctimonious. Here, we get a glimpse of the one they call “Samaritan” as he's walking out of a corn field carrying someone in his arms.

The artwork done by Clayton Crain, who you might know if you're an X-Force fan, is really well done.  The plane scenes are great and the scale of the plane is well done as it comes crashing down on the highway.  The devastation is done with amazing detail.  The fact that you can easily tell that it's raining through these scenes make it even better.  The artist does an impressive job capturing the overall doom with the rain, cloudy skies and general dark appearance. The facial expressions are fluid and often, you are left wondering what the characters are expressing.  

“Savior” was a great read and a really intriguing way to start a new series.  It grabs you from the opening pages and never lets you go.  If you're at your local comic shop and see this sitting on the shelves, pick it up!  You won't be disappointed and in fact, you might even want to thank me.  I accept cash, paypal, and all major credit cards.



Like this review? Pick up your copy of Savior 1 & 2 now!

Savior #1 - $2.69

Retail Price: $2.99
You Save: $0.30

Savior #2 - $2.39

Retail Price: $2.99
You Save: $0.60

Posted by: Jeff @jeff201

Avengers: Ultron Forever #1 Review



It begins in the year 2420, the new incarnation of Ultron has destroyed the Earth's mightiest heroes.  He reigns supreme over not just Earth, but the entire Universe.  Doctor Doom has brought together several members of The Avengers from the past to assemble and battle the threat of Ultron.  In the future ruled by Ultron, the remaining humans have been turned into drones captured by Ultron himself.  The ones that remain are on the run from the menace.  Doctor Doom brings together The Avengers to take Ultron out in a series of multiple front attacks.


The story here is pretty straightforward.  Ultron has taken over the world and it's time for The Avengers to defeat the terror known as Ultron.  These facts don't take away from the story at all, though of course The Avengers are quite suspicious when Doctor Doom assembles them.  Vision is the voice of reason here as he knows that this Doom is not the original Doom.  

The story progresses quickly and we are shown a future Captain America with a present day Vision and Black Widow being pulled from their time.  The inevitable confrontation between The Avengers and Doom is  a quite enjoyable read, particularly for the fans of The Avengers. The opening moments of the battles between The Avengers and Ultron's army are certainly entertaining.  


The artwork is pretty standard fare in this issue.  Ultron is portrayed as menacing and the flooded, future version of New York City is well done.  The flooding of New York City is due to the effects of Global Warming.  Facial emotions are portrayed in a way that you can easily determine the desired emotion. The action sequences are done well and you don't have to guess what is happening.  In one panel, you see Ultron standing over fallen heroes and you may notice that RoboCop has been vanquished as well.  The Bio-Slaves are absolutely terrifying looking and Ultron's Avengers look impressive.  I was particularly impressed by the Bio-Slaves in this issue.

With the release of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel is doing everything they can to get the general public ready and psyched for the movie.  And of course, they are getting us fans even more excited for the release.  With Ultron Forever and Rage of Ultron both out this week, and a little less than a month before the movie, they are going to milk this for all it's worth.  Can you blame them?  I mean I would.  

If you're looking for something to pick up for a quick read, this will be it.  The action is fun and the artwork is good.  It's not going to make anyone's top issue of the year list, but it's well worth the price and time just for the fun of it.  



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Avengers Ultron Forever - $3.99

Retail Price: $4.99
You Save: $1.00

Marvel Select Avengers 2 Thor Action Figure - $19.99

Retail Price: $24.99
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