The Casual Hour: Guilty Pleasures

This week I had the pleasure to join The Casual Hour for some amazing podcasting time! Enjoy!


In this week’s episode of The Casual Hour we are joined by our friend, Ryan Dampf. We have our usual discussion about the games we’ve been playing, but the real fun starts when we discuss our gaming guilty pleasures. Those games we know are bad, but love despite their flaws.

Speaking of flaws, you have probably noticed the garbage fire audio this episode. A lot went wrong, but the important thing here is to blame Johnny. Having said that, we are sorry for the inconvenience and promise our buttery smooth vocals will be back in full force next week! 

We hope you enjoy the show!


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The Casual Hour is:

Our Guest This Week: 

Ryan Dampf - Instagram: @rzyn Twitter: @iamryzn

Love our theme music? It was created by Patric Brown. You can follow his antics on twitter @insaneanalog or check out more of his music and download our theme at

Flappy Golf 2 | Just Tap it in!!!

Flappy Golf 2

Developer: Noodlecake Studios Inc

Size: 115 MB

Release Date: Oct 31, 2016

Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch


Flappy Golf 2, yes the follow up to the smash hit Flappy Golf... Ok, I have know clue if the original Flappy Golf was a smash hit or not. However, I do know that Flappy Golf 2 is kind of entertaining. For me the early stages of this game are what made me enjoy this game, in fact if I'm looking for just a few minutes of fun I always go back to the first and 2nd stages. Not that the latter stages are bad or anything but those early levels fill my quick fix just perfectly. Check out some of my Positives & Negatives below. 



- Freemium! For the levels I play it is actually free!

- Flappy madness. Seems to be similar to Flappy Bird mechanics so easy to play

- Quick Fix. Have 5-10 minutes this game is perfect for you


- Freemium, you know how that goes

- Later levels just turned me off due to how many things you have to do in them. Just too much.


Have any of you tried out this game? Or even the original Flappy Golf? What did you think?

Micro Talk #4 | Crashlands

We didn’t have to look far to find the topic of GOTG Micro 4: St. Louis’ own, Crashlands from developer Butterscotch Shenanigans. Ryan Dampf from Living the Nerd Life is back again to speak to this interesting take on the open world crafting genre. Be sure to listen to our last Micro episode on Don’t Starve too, as there is a lot of comparing and contrasting on display for these games. 

Show Notes:

Butterscotch Shenanigans has their own podcast if you’re interested in hearing more from the devs themselves. 

Pass The Buck | Kickstarter

I had the amazing opportunity to check out Pass The Buck and let me tell you I had the time of my life! Pass The Buck is really simple, fun and interactive. It was only a matter of seconds before we were all laughing and Passing off our tasks to one another. 


Pass The Buck is a light game good for casual gamers or hard core gamers looking for a break and something fresh. The best thing about Pass The Buck is that it mimics corporate life to a T! Its super fun trying to get your friends to complete your tasks while trying to throw them off about the departments your in. 

The kickstarter is only 350$ away from being funded. The crazy thing is you can get Pass The Buck for only 15$ no I'm not kidding you! It is time you had this game in your life! Check out the kickstater now and back this game! 


PODCAST: Gamers On The Go #34 | Super Smash Bros for 3DS

Gamers on the Go platinum member, Matt Giguere returns to talk about the newest big Nintendo title on the 3DS. We chat about the series’ past, how the new game compares, how we imagine Amiibo working and discuss in a very calm and civilized manner about how the cutting of Lucas is a pure unadulterated travesty (OK, maybe Chase isn’t so calm about it.)


PODCAST: Gamers On The Go #33 | Shovel Knight

Yacht Club Games’ Nick Wozniak and Sean Velasco join Chase to discuss their love letter to Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom gaming, Shovel Knight

Hear how Yacht Club Games began, how Shovel Knight went from Kickstarter dream to award-winning reality, and how the game might’ve been different it it had just made its original $75,000 goal.

Show Notes:

Learn more about Shovel Knight and grab yourself a copy of the game at

Shovel Knight is a pretty faithful NES game…except when it’s not. Read this great piece by Yacht Club’s David D'Angelo on Gamasutra about where it made sense to break from the authenticity.

Snag Shovel Knight’s awesome Jake Kaufman-composed soundtrack here. It’s pay what you want!

And keep up with Yacht Club games on their TwitterFacebook, and Twitch pages.


Director of Publishing & PR @Harmonix and Project Lead on @RecordRunJohn Drake comes on to talk about the newest mobile game from the music-minded developer.

John gives us a candid rundown of Harmonix’s history with handhelds, the story behind the timing of releasing Record Run during the Amplitude Kickstarter and definitively restates that no, no one is currently working on Rock Band 4 (yet).

Show Notes:

  • Download Record Run on iOS or Google Play for FREE!
  • VidRhythm is also FREE on iOS.
  • This episode was recorded before the news of Harmonix’s restructuring. Read more about that on Polygon.

Gen Con 2015 Wrap Up Thursday, Friday | Part 1

Greetings Nerd Lifers, Gen Con, America’s largest gaming convention has come to an end. I have spent the past few days meandering through narrow corridors lined with vendors and jam packed with over 61,000 people to bring you the latest news in exciting board games and card games! I have such sites to show you! Let us begin!


Mars Attacks Miniatures

Mantic games had an amazing scene set up for their Mars Attacks miniatures game. This set up gave a great example of what a little bit of scenery and and paint can do to bring a game to life!



Independant Gamers Alliance showed off Kitsune, a game about using different fox spirits to trick a bunch of dupes to gain points. Looks interesting and at times a little awkward…


Timid Monsters

Timid Monsters is a great little toy company making great little desk monsters! Check out their lower cost options on their etsy page!


Deep Wars

Anti Matter Games showed off their semi aquatic miniatures game Deep Wars. Their representatives touted that the whole game could be distilled down to a one page rulebook or played with a larger more complicated ruleset to accomodate different play styles. The amazing nautilus miniature was cool enough to get me interested in this very cool war game!


New Salem

Overworld games was offering demonstrations of their recent kickstarter success, New Salem. The game has different players taking on the roles of witches or puritans in New Salem, each trying to play sets of cards to create positivity or despair in their town. Being able to figure out who the witches are is important to winning the game. I love how the different cards line up to create a full picture in each set.


Artifacts Inc.

Artifacts Inc. by Ryan Laukat for Red Raven Games really impressed me! Everyone takes on the roll of 1940s explorers who search for various artifacts to sell to museums. Tight worker placement and drafting mechanics along with a little bit of dice luck and great artwork make for a very fun strategic game!


Warpo Toys

Warpo, makers of some very cool 70’s and 80’s style Lovecraftian action figures unveiled their newest toy in the line, a massive 12 inch Cthulhu!

Make sure to check back and check out what we found at Gen Con the rest of the week!

By: Levi