Game of the Week | Riptide GP Renegade

Riptide GP Renegade

Developer: Vector Unit

Publisher: Vector Unit

Size: 105.4 MB

Release Date: 2016

Genre: Racing

Compatibility: Android, iOS, Xbox One, PS4, Windows 10

Riptide GP Renegade was made by the same company that made Hydro Thunder which means you can expect some great graphics and game play. I picked up this game for iOS for i believe $2.99 and it was definitely worth the small price tag. I didn't know anything about it prior to buying it but had recently watched an episode of Game Sack on YouTube where Joe and Dave were talking about Wave Race 64 and I had to find something similar to play on my phone!

This definitely filled a gap for me. The fast pace racing and deep tricks arsenal made this game a lot of fun to play. It does have a bit of a story as well which involves you and an arch rival and your revenge by beating your rival in a series of races. In the end the story is definitely an after thought. The meat and potatoes is all in the racing. Check out my Positives & Negatives below.



- Great Graphics! I caught myself thinking I was gaming on a PS Vita with the graphic on my iPhone 6s Plus

- Gameplay: easy to learn and easy to play

- Extensive story line: which gave me several hours of game play.

- Game modes: there is more than just racing a big aspect of the game is doing tricks as well.



- There was an upfront cost of $2.99 but other than that you don't have to spend another dime.

- The Story... was silly but bareable.




What do you think? Have you tried this game yet? 

Mobile Game of the Week | Summoner's War

So I started playing this game a while ago thanks to the ad above however I stopped playing just as quick as I started. Not sure why but gameplay wasn't exactly my cup of tea. Recently a co-worker mentioned he played and I checked out his floating palace in the sky and saw all of his awesome characters and I knew I had to give it another try. I have played maybe 3-4 weeks now and definitely ashamed I stopped playing. The downfall of playing this tho is that it is digging into my Clash of Clans time which by the way my push to Titan League sputtered out around 3380 trophies! Ha. 

Like I said Summoner's War is an addicting little game. As a matter of fact there are 3 of us at work that have been pretty active in the game the past month. This has definitely helped with staying active in the game and has helped at least me see what to look forward to in the game. His user name is _Stumpy_ he has been playing the game for quite a while and has been a big help for myself and my co-worker in guiding us through the game. Here are a few of his top monsters!

Because I'm no where near the level he is my monsters are not nearly as strong but I'm still a proud monster owner. Here are 5 of my favorite monsters that I currently have!


Anyways here are some of my Positives and Negative about the game.


- FREEmium: you can at least download it, take it on a test drive and if you don't like it no harm no foul

- Graphics: Advanced monster styling is great... one day I'll get there

- Gameplay: RTS gameplay is surprisingly fun to me especially the feature that attacks for me "set it and forget it"

- Storyline: surpised to say this but the story so far is pretty good



- FREEmium: yes its both positive and negative. Pay to win or advance more quickly is a trend in most FREEmium games and that's no different for Summoner's War

- Scrolls: most annoying thing about the game is getting a Mystical Scroll and getting a crappy monster


Do you play Summoner's War? If you do find me and add me my username is: ~ICON~

What do you think about the game?


Let me know in the comments below!